TRUcompare™ Challenge

How Does Your Approach Compare to TRUcompare?

Migrations are a complex undertaking, and traditional testing approaches often fall short of today’s business and compliance requirements. The ensuing risk can easily result in costly errors. How sound are your current testing and sampling approaches?

  • Does your approach verify 100% of the migrated data?  In validation?  For the production run?
  • Does your testing process avoid iterations of migration testing in an unpredictable manner?
  • How does your approach avoid identifying data quality issues late in the process?
  • If you are using an automated approach to testing / validation, is it independent of the migration software and process?
  • Is your migration project predictable in cost and schedule?
  • Will your users be familiar with the data in their new system prior to production use?
Testing Scope
100% testing of migrated data and content
Migration Tool Errors
Incorrect field mapping from source-to-target system, resulting in migration errors
Partial value migrated to multi-valued fields in the target system (e.g. only first value is migrated)
Data transformation errors
Data truncation errors
Inadvertent data or record omissions during migration
Duplication of records in the target system
Document migrated to incorrect folder
Document incorrectly classified in target system
Errors in generating correct version trees
Errors in generating virtual documents
Errors in generating relations between documents or records
Errors in migrating renditions
Errors in migrating audit trail data
Content Errors
Content Corruption (not frequent, but in one instance due to incorrect setting during FTP transfer)
Incorrect location of the content
Missing content (primary content or renditions)
Data-level Errors
Mappings that result in null value mapped to mandatory fields in the target system
Unexpected content exclusions and inclusions during migration
Invalid values in source system resulting in invalid lookup transformation in target system
Source data values that do not conform to expected formats
Source values that do not have a corresponding lookup value in the target system
Special characters (tabs, crlf, etc…) that cause formatting issues in the target application
Data type mismatches
Incorrect data encoding
Migration errors due to unsupported characters
Mapping/ Specification Errors
Mappings defined for fields in the target system that does not exist in the target system. In some cases, the fields were in queue to be added and in others the fields were invalid
Mappings defined for fields in the target system that does not exist in the source system. (usually due to incorrectly specified source document type or table)
Incorrect type mappings
Mappings to external sources that did not contain any relevant data
Missing data elements in supplemental data sources used for data enrichment
Missing data translations (Source data did not match valid target values, and a new data translation mapping had to be created)
Multi-valued source fields inadvertently mapped to single-valued target fields
Incorrect system configuration mappings (e.g. incorrect lifecycle for documents type, incorrect permission for status, etc.)
Process Errors
Manual steps that were inadvertently excluded or executed incorrectly resulting in data migration errors
Migration Tool changes/customizations that were not completely tested