
After the news of an acquisition or divestiture is announced, IT must figure out how to handle data from all affected companies to achieve a smooth and accurate transition. However, there are plenty of roadblocks to overcome before that can happen. What is the most effective plan that alleviates uncertainties and migration stress?

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A senior IT executive recently shared that she accepted her current position with the caveat, “I’ll do anything except data migrations.” Doing data migrations, system consolidations, or any combination of the coming together or splitting apart of systems is viewed by many as a necessary evil with little benefit, certainly little sizzle, and something they’d rather someone else handle. It’s hard work, seldom goes exactly as planned, and often doesn’t get the same credit as other “new” programs.

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Doing data migrations, or system consolidations, or any combination of the coming together or splitting apart of systems is viewed by many as a necessary evil, with little benefit, certainly little sizzle, and something they’d rather someone else handle. It’s hard work, seldom goes exactly as planned, and often doesn’t get the same credit as other “new” and innovative programs.

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More often than one might think! But at what point does this additional cost become justified? The fact is, an automated migration and migration testing process supported by the right methodology offers cost efficiencies and quality improvements while reducing risk across a broad set of migration challenges.

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